What are oil absorbent booms for?
Oil absorbent booms are used to prevent the spread of a hydrocarbon spill. They can be used on land or on water and can be deployed reactively or proactively. They may be used to absorb a small spill entirely or for containment so that other materials like Green Rhino Oil Retention Pillows can be used to soak up a larger volume of liquid.
Common scenarios include:
- Around a hydrocarbon spill on a non-porous surface (e.g. warehouse floor)
- Around a surface water drain to protect against accidental spills
- Across waterways downstream from or around construction works
- Around outlet pipes that might contain hydrocarbon contaminants
Why are smart polymer booms better than other oil spill booms?
Traditional oil absorbent booms contain an oleophilic sponge-like material which absorbs liquid hydrocarbons. Sponges leak when saturated, even oleophilic sponges. This is obvious when you lift up a saturated boom: hydrocarbons or oily water drains out, recontaminating the environment and making a mess of workers clothing if you are not careful.
Green Rhino’s unique Oil Retention Booms use smart polymers to absorb and solidify hydrocarbons. There is no liquid to leak out again. When all the smart polymer has been activated, the boom becomes a solid barrier which contains any remaining spill. Unlike other absorbent booms for water, the captured hydrocarbons can not be flushed out by the flow.
Green Rhino Oil Retention Booms are effective with a range of hydrocarbons including petrol, diesel, motor oil and hydraulic fluids.
How to use a Green Rhino Oil Retention Boom
Choose a boom large enough for the spill or for the area you wish to protect.
On land, use a Green Rhino Quick Response Boom and place it around the spill. You can overlap booms to create a longer barrier. If there is a direction of flow, use the boom to cut this off.
On water, use a Green Rhino Marine Boom and position it downstream from or around the source of pollutants. You can tether marine booms together to achieve the required length of barrier.
If the boom becomes saturated before a spill has been completely absorbed, place a fresh boom on the outside of the spent boom before removing it. This will enable you to wring out the water and any excess hydrocarbons safely reducing the volume of waste you need to dispose of.
Additionally, consider using Green Rhino Oil Retention Pillows on the surface of the spill to soak up the majority of the pollutants and to prolong the life of the boom.
When booms have reached capacity they should be disposed of in hazardous waste. Part-activated booms can be stored for reuse.